Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Studio 7 Updates


In preparation for the amazing Bridal Extravaganza, we are getting ready here at the studio. We have updated the pricing for the new year. We didn't raise any prices, just changed it up a little. Now, instead of a certain number of prints, clients will get print credit towards their package! If you have already booked, no need to worry, you're locked in!

We are ALMOST full for 2008. Between the first of April and third week of August we have one weekend off!

Also, I was to say thanks to my amazing new assistant Rachel! She is a joy to have around and is an AMAZING helper. Hopefully we'll have her shooting in no time. We've missed not having Jen at weddings, although she's been under the weather and we hope she's feeling better!

Jason shot two weddings this month, traveling all the way to St. Louis!

We have only two weekends off between now and the new year, so it is crunch time!

IF YOU WANT your orders before Christmas, we need the orders NO LATER than the 23 of November.

As always, feel free to call me or drop me an email at any time, thanks again to my wonderful clients!

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